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Endless Loop Related to License Check
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Magento E-Commerce accelerator component.
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TOPIC: Endless Loop Related to License Check

Endless Loop Related to License Check 13 years, 4 months ago #25149

So i had this working good for a bit, but then of recent it said my license was invalid. I thenhit save and it was valid again. since then my site has been slow as hell. hostgator said there was an endless loop related to the license check:

Your recent problem was due directly to the M-Turbo module. This was the component that was caught in a loop which I believe was related to it doing its license check. I copied your license string fro M-Turbo to /home/rocn/mturbolic.txt and uninstalled the module. Unfortunately, this only resulted in returning your site to its previous "working but very slow" state.

Any ideas how we can fix this??
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Re: Endless Loop Related to License Check 13 years, 3 months ago #25225

Good luck. This extension will give you troubles with no chance of money back.
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Re: Endless Loop Related to License Check 13 years, 3 months ago #25280

  • jich
  • Posts: 254

The checking license isn't invoked on a frontend requests, but only on a backend requests.

The endless loop may be caused of a problem in htaccess. It's probably that M-Turbo doesn't generate the rules for htaccess correctly for your site. We recommend let M-Turbo generate .htaccess and try to check whether the generated rules are correct or not. I don't know how much you are familiar with htaccess syntax. If you need to help let us know. We are ready to help you.

Good luck. This extension will give you troubles with no chance of money back.

Inveritas. If you have a technical problem then send me email with the description. My email address is Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. . If you have a bussines problem contact Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. .
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Endless Loop Related to License Check 13 years, 3 months ago #25286

We just want our money back, nothing more nothing less.
1. i asked if we can if it did not comply to our needs, it did not
2. we friendly asked for it, many times
3. we went to Paypal to start a claim
4. you still do not answer.
5. you cannot oblige people to keep using your program when it clearly is not compatible to our needs

If you want to keep the 79euro to feel happy for 'stealing', please do. However please notice more people are unhappy with your way of working with paying clients. More unhappy clients will make sure you never sell another copy again by complaining everywhere you are trying to sell this. To each his own.

I know programmers who take notice to their customers requests, make a lot more money in the end.

Good luck to you.
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Re: Endless Loop Related to License Check 13 years, 3 months ago #25536

  • jaku
well, you are requesting a refund, but you say "it does not comply with our needs".
That is a bit too general, don't you think?

We state in our TOS that refund is possible if there is bug or a severe problem preventing usage of the software. That does not mean that it was not configured properly.

So if you are requesting refund, then we would at least like to know what problem you have.
You are only giving general statements, I tried to search through your posts and found nothings specific. Correct me, if I missed that.
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