There is two problems at first sight.
1) JS replaces the header link "Shopping Cart" by the standard cart link. It is good at most cases, however on your site
this is perhaps bad. For current version we suggesta a workaround (in coming release it will be more scalable). Replace file
skin/frontend/skin/frontend/default/default/js/mturbo.js by this
2) There is loaded no mini-cart block. Url for updating on your site looks
www.littlehun.co.uk/mturbofrontend?ident...bWljX2Jsb2NrPXRydWU,. You can see there is no identifier for mini-cart block. Standardly there is used identifier "cartsidebar", but it does not work either. I think that your layout xml files were edited.
You have to investigate
the layout name of mini-cart block from your layout xml files. Open file app/design/frontend/YOUR_THEME/YOUR_SKIN/layout/checkout.xml and search something like
<block type="checkout/cart_sidebar" name="my_sidebar_cart" as="sidebar.cart" template="checkout/sidebar.phtml" />
For definition above the layout name is "my_sidebar_cart". You have to add this identifier to "Dynamic Loaded Block" in the M-Turbo administration and recache the pages.
If you not found that block you can send your credentials (FTP, Magento admin for M-Turbo) to
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, I would try to search it.