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mturbo.js not loaded
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TOPIC: mturbo.js not loaded

mturbo.js not loaded 11 years ago #42972

I have purchased your plugin but after installing M-Turbo on (manually, copying the files using an ftp program) I found out that the plugin is not working as expected after some research I found out the following.

mturbo.js is not loaded.

Therefor the cart_sidebar link disapears when we cache pages.

When I insert the script by hand I and test the following code
A request is succesfully made, however the returned html is not of the current skin but from the default skin.

The default and the current skin both have a block with the name 'cart_sidebar'

currently I am stuck and I have no Idea how to proceed. pleas help me

thanks in advance
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Re: mturbo.js not loaded 11 years ago #42990

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
Dear Mobeo,

Used skin probably uses different block name for cart sidebar block than default skin. Therefore server returns the original cart sidebar instead of your new cart sidebar block. You should look into your layout .xml files of currently used skin and search that block. You should ask to term `type="checkout/cart_sidebar"`. You should find something like:

<block type="checkout/cart_sidebar" name="my_cart_sidebar" template="checkout/cart/sidebar.phtml" before="-">

If you found it, go to M-Turbo administration, switch to tab "Dynamic Loaded Blocks", turn off standard cart sidebar block (there are three selects and one of them controls cart sidebar) and into the textarea put the value of attribute "type" (for example above it should be "my_cart_sidebar", but you will find probable something else) and then refresh the cached pages.

Let us know if you were not able to find that block, or it does not work properly. We are ready to help you.
ARTIO Support Team
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