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Don't Cache Recently Viewed in Footer
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TOPIC: Don't Cache Recently Viewed in Footer

Don't Cache Recently Viewed in Footer 13 years ago #25880


the dynamic block for recently viewed products do not work for us unfortunately. We placed it directly in the product view, and it's inside the jQuery tabs.

Layout update for catalog (in local.xml of the custom desing)
<reference name="content">
<block type="reports/product_viewed" name="product.recently.viewed" as="product_recently_viewed" template="reports/product_viewed_item.phtml"/>

Layout names of dynamic loaded blocks (in the admin): product.recently.viewed

When I have a look at the cached file, the html contains javascripts:
<script type="text/javascript">if (typeof(mturboloader)!='undefined') mturboloader.addBlockRequest('product.recently.viewed');</script>

and the div with the fillBlockproduct_recently_viewed() function. But the javascript fails on

When checked the mturbo.js, it fails because
// mturboloader.blocksContents['product.recently.viewed'] for this case

is empty.

What must be changed to get this working? The page URL is:

Thank you for your response

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Re: Don't Cache Recently Viewed in Footer 13 years ago #25897

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
Hello netrino,

I'm sorry, but currently version doesn't allow dynamicly load blocks from '<catalog_product_view'>, but only from '<default>'. We plan develop this feature in next releases.

ARTIO Support Team
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