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caching when user is logged in and other questions
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Magento E-Commerce accelerator component.
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TOPIC: caching when user is logged in and other questions

caching when user is logged in and other questions 13 years, 8 months ago #22530

I've installed M-Turbo with Magento 1.5.1. Works well.

I have a few questions:

1. Do you plan to integrate caching when a user is logged in? if yes when?

2. Is it possible to mark all categories to cache (M-Turbo Management>Categories) automatically?

3. How long is the Cache life Time? seems to be 1 or 2 hours?. Is it possible to change it?

4. Is it possible to start caching programmaticaly (API / PHP)

I haven't tested cron-jobs yet and any other features, but before buying the full-version or support, i think it will be very important for me to have a caching too, when a user is logged in.


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Re: caching when user is logged in and other questions 13 years, 8 months ago #22534

  • lubi
  • Posts: 221
Hello Rémy,

here are answers:

1. To be honest, it is not at the plan yet.
2. First time you have to mark all cat. manually. M-Turbo has a settings that every new cat. will be marked/selected automatically.
3. Cache is refreshed if content is changed. If you change product price, cache for product will be updated. If no change with products for 5 days, cache will be not updated for 5 days as well.
4. You may run from php same script, which is used by cron for automatic update. If you call also magento "update method" for categ/product, cache will be updated as well because content have been probably changed.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: caching when user is logged in and other questions 13 years, 8 months ago #22535

Lubi: Thank you for your answers.

very sad for the logged in users...

but what about the cache life time?
for exampe: I have refreshed my cache-pages today at 12:52 (M-Turbo-Administration>Url). immediately after this refreshing, my cached pages are loaded very fast.
But now, 2.5 Hours later, magento takes about 12 seconds to load the pages, then again about only a half second (again cached for about 1 or 2 hours?).

Could it be that only the normal magento cache is activated and not M-Turbo? (It seems so!). have i forgotten a command somewhere?

Answers 2 and 4: I upload Products via API, if i understand you right, the cache of a category will be refreshed mmediately when a customer selects the changed category and not with the next cron-job?


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