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Zoo - Modules are missing on deeplink pages
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TOPIC: Zoo - Modules are missing on deeplink pages

Zoo - Modules are missing on deeplink pages 11 years, 11 months ago #37289


The whole "NEWS" section on this site I created with ZOO. Everything works fine - until I changed the options: Exclude source info (from yes to no) and Reappend source (from yes to no). The rest of the site works fine; but the ZOO sites don't.

Only the featured site /news works correctly. But when I click on a zoo article or on the right frame in Zoo tag cloud, the modules are wrong. Normally there should be shown the same modules as on the featured site (.info/news)

What I can do? Earlier on every ZOO site, the ItemID of 454 was added on the end of URL - so the modules on the right were correct. The problem is, that only the featured site (./news) is linked at the navigation, the rest of sites are only reachable via the Zoo home site...

Thx for your help.

Kind regards
Last Edit: 11 years, 11 months ago by wellnessinfo.
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Re: Zoo - Modules are missing on deeplink pages 11 years, 11 months ago #37339

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

As you correctly guessed the problem is most likely caused by wrong Itemid stored with SEF URLs. This may have various reasons.
But as you said that every Zoo site used the same Itemid 454, I think that the simplest solution would be to set the following options in Zoo extension for JoomSEF on the Common tab:
Itemid handling: Override
Override Itemid: 454

That way all Zoo URLs will use the same Itemid 454. You will need to delete the already created Zoo SEF URLs in JoomSEF's URLs Manager and clear JoomSEF's cache after this change in settings, so the URLs can be recreated correctly.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Zoo - Modules are missing on deeplink pages 11 years, 10 months ago #37500

Thx - works fine now. I made the override before, but I forgot to delete the old SEF URL's - because I thaught it would be automatic.

thx & regards
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