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TOPIC: sh404sef

sh404sef 11 years, 9 months ago #39193


I have several question before buying joomsef.
I'm using joomla 2.5.11

-will the pro version remove the link to your website ?

-I'm currently using sh404sef, will it keep my redirections, meta, urls and title ? Will I be able to import them or will I have to redirect and configure everything back again ?

-will you be able to rewrite pagination urls ? So far sh404sef can only rewrite paginations urls (?limit=40&start=40) for joomla categories blog view, so they become page/2, page/3 etc... I'd like pagination urls to be sef for com_finder, com_search, tortags, com_contact and custom properties. Can you do that ?

Thanks a lot for your answer :)
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