hello there, we are evaluating all 3 main sef components for joomla. so far we use test-versions, and only yours can handle "category in url" as we need it (because of the brilliant option to exclude a category manually). unfortunately we cannot find how to add the menu-alias in the url. we bought a full version of sh404, having the same problem with menu-alias... support there is sh...ty ... so, before buying your component we really need to know if it can do what we need. here an example:
MENU-TITLE= My first Menu
MENU-ALIAS= my-first-menu
pointing to the article:
ARTICLE-TITLE= My first Menu Article
ARTICLE-ALIAS= my-first-menu-article
this article is inside the category:
CATEGORY-TITLE= My first Menu Category
ARTICLE-ALIAS= my-first-menu-category
the url should be:
how can i achieve this?
best regards!