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with or without "WWW" makes my modules uncllickabl
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TOPIC: with or without "WWW" makes my modules uncllickabl

with or without "WWW" makes my modules uncllickabl 14 years, 4 months ago #15314

on my website: ,
depending on if i use the WWW at the begining of the url or not, the modules used become not clickable anymore.

do you think it can be joomsef related? if yes, how can i correct this?


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Re:with or without "WWW" makes my modules uncllickabl 14 years, 4 months ago #15335

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

I don't think this is a JoomSEF issue, but you may test it easily - just try disabling JoomSEF if it helps.
Anyway, having both domains (with www. and without) working is a bad thing - Google doesn't like this. So most websites just redirects the non-www domain to a www one. You can do this automatically using JoomSEF - in JoomSEF's configuration set "www and non-www domain handling" option to "Always use www domain".

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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