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Win2K3 server and UTF-8 URLs
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TOPIC: Win2K3 server and UTF-8 URLs

Win2K3 server and UTF-8 URLs 14 years, 6 months ago #14701

  • mx5gr
  • Posts: 63
We use JoomSEF 3.6.5 under IIS 6 (Win2k3) and the latest version of ISAPIrewrite licensed (3.0.77). Our site is Greek-based.

When we enable UTF-8 URLs within the advanced configuration, no Greek URLs are generated. Instead, all links direct to the main site's homepage (eg If we use Joomla's own SEO for UTF-8 URL generations, they are generated (using the extention ) but when we click on them we get an error from the web server (This cannot be executed from within this application pool).

Is there a way for JoomSEF and ISAPI rewrite to co-exist and support UTF-8 URLs?
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Re:Win2K3 server and UTF-8 URLs 14 years, 5 months ago #14896

  • mx5gr
  • Posts: 63
Anyone from support?
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Re:Win2K3 server and UTF-8 URLs 14 years, 5 months ago #14928

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

If you open Manage SEF URLs page in JoomSEF, are there no URLs generated when using the UTF-8 support in Advanced configuration? Or they are generated, but they are not displayed on the website?

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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Re:Win2K3 server and UTF-8 URLs 14 years, 5 months ago #14930

  • mx5gr
  • Posts: 63
Completely erratic behaviour..

All URLs shown within modules or by content plugins do not generate ANY URL. Instead, they direct back to site's main page.

For SOME URLs within content items, UTF-8 URLs DO get generated and link to the corresponding linked article (in our test case). HOWEVER, other links within the same content item do not generate a URL at all, they redirect back to site's main page.

I have checked "enable UTF-8 URLs" in the advanced config of JoomSEF and I removed everything within the "Non-ascii char replacements" box so that proper greek utf-8 URLs are generated.

Any ideas?
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