I've purchased both Joomsef 3.3.0 and the VM extension 2.0.2 for a Joomla 1.5.10 with VirtueMart 1.1.3 installation.
I'm currently having trouble configuring the whole lot to haven Virtuemart smoothly. Normal urls are working great, so do a number of vm urls. But I have a few issues and am wondering if someone could tell me what the best settings are.
Some of the issues are:
- vmcchk=1 (sometimes, not always)
- pages with limit & limitstart (in result navigation) don't work
- links to pages backwards in checkout process don't work
I have tried lots of settings, always purging urls and emptying cache.
I hope we can resolve this, I have two more shops lined up after this.
If you wish to have a look: