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Virtuemart checkout adds "option=com_content"
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TOPIC: Virtuemart checkout adds "option=com_content"

Virtuemart checkout adds "option=com_content"​ 14 years, 4 months ago #18426


I have Artio JoomSEF 3.7.4 (Order nr.:13367), Joomla 1.5.15 and Virtuemart 1.1.4.

At checkout in Virtuemart, the buyer is redirected to the frontpage of the site even though i have disabled SEF-url´s for Virtuemart.

The URL at checkout with JoomSEF enabled is:

And the URL at checkout with JoomSEF disabled is:

In the one URL with JoomSEF enabled, there is a addition of "&option=com_content". When i remove this manually the checkout page is appearing.

Can i make a "Custom SEF URL" to somehow get rid of the "option=com_content"?

Or is it possible to edit the sourcecode somehow?

I would really appreciate any suggestions.
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Re: Virtuemart checkout adds "option=com_content"​ 14 years, 2 months ago #19383

Hello MKHenrik,

Did you ever got this solved? I have a similarly problem, see:

and I would really want this to work. Please can you tell me how you've solved this (if you did)?
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Re: Virtuemart checkout adds "option=com_content"​ 14 years, 2 months ago #19437

I didn´t manage to solve this. I e-mailed Artio support and got the following answer;

- "the URLs you have sent, seems to be wrong. The URL cannot include 2x
option variable - that will certainly cause troubles and unexpected
Last Edit: 14 years, 2 months ago by mkhenrik.
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Re: Virtuemart checkout adds "option=com_content"​ 14 years, 2 months ago #19528

  • jaku

from the URLs above, I can see you are using some plugin or add-on for VM "krediror" that is identified in URL by page=checkout.kreditor;
I am not sure what kind of add-on this is, but the problem might be in URLs it generate.

As we answered already in email, when URL contains 2x option variable, that is certainly wrong.
However, such problem is caused by the component that has generated the original URL, not by JoomSEF.

If you want an individual paid support for this, where we would debug it directly at your site, that is possible. But this problem does not seem to fall withing the JoomSEF support we can provide here on forums.
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Re: Virtuemart checkout adds "option=com_content"​ 14 years, 1 month ago #19591

But since i have checked "Dont SEF" for Virtuemart in JoomSEF it shouldn´t in my opinion affect the URL´s generated by this Virtuemart payment method.
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