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Upgrade from free to paid version problem
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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: Upgrade from free to paid version problem

Re: Upgrade from free to paid version problem 14 years ago #20885

  • mfbb
  • Posts: 11
Ok I have now fully updated all my url's but I am still on the free version.

Is there any way i can upgrade to the paid version without loosing all my urls.

Please if you can update me as soon as. as if there is no way then I will have little choice but to continue on the free version and request a refund for the server package we bought.

Many Thanks.
Last Edit: 14 years ago by mfbb.
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Re: Upgrade from free to paid version problem 13 years, 12 months ago #20892

  • mfbb
  • Posts: 11
Ok I have now upgraded to the paid version and have lost all the sef url's i set for two components in my site,

The modules on the front page that are now lost are as follows


I have however still got the urls in the auto sef list as I locked them from being deleted when upgrading, however as you see by the fron page they now generate a red box 500 error as below.

Is there any chance of some help here as at the moment I'm pretty much having a conversation with myself lol

Many thanks
Last Edit: 13 years, 12 months ago by mfbb.
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Re: Upgrade from free to paid version problem 13 years, 12 months ago #20916

  • mfbb
  • Posts: 11
Ok, I have had little alternative but to turn this component off.

Unless I get support on this issue, I will speak to my accounts to get a full refund on paypal.

Again works perfectly on all links on free version, but once I upgrade to paid they break down.
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Re: Upgrade from free to paid version problem 13 years, 12 months ago #20918

  • mfbb
  • Posts: 11
Ok, for now I have put it in another site which is for future development,

Here you see exactly what the problems are when you click on say one of the country links.
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Re: Upgrade from free to paid version problem 13 years, 12 months ago #20932

  • jaku
well, maybe if you would save some energy writing so many post and would spend it on FAQs reading, it would be more useful ;-)

as regards migration to paid version:

As regards the problem with the links you mention, that will be probably caused by the lack of extension for jbjobs component.
Try switching the handler to component's native router. (In JoomSEF / Manage Extensions)
If ir does not have one, then you can either still use the Joomla's default router, turn the SEF URLs for that component off, or a special extension would need to be created.
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Re: Upgrade from free to paid version problem 13 years, 12 months ago #20934

  • mfbb
  • Posts: 11
Ok, have read it and re read it like I have all your faqs.

Have also tried changing the extensions handler to no avail, even tried them all still not working.

My issue is the component is the only point of the website therefore if no sef for jbjobs then no point in sef what so ever.

I am now assuming its due to the extension not being available, can you let me know what the course from here to get an extension added to the list for this.

But the weird thing is, on the free version everything works perfectly including the links you can see.

I have now removed and re installed the free version to my temp site to prove a point

which you can now see working.

So how can this be.
Last Edit: 13 years, 12 months ago by mfbb.
The topic has been locked.
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