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remove products from cart doesn't work
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TOPIC: remove products from cart doesn't work

remove products from cart doesn't work 14 years, 2 months ago #19554

Hi there, i have this problem with virtuemart. everything works like a charm with Joomsef so i'm very happy with that. Tho only problem is that if a customer is logged into his account and ads some product to his basket, he cannot remove it anymore. (see image)

And since he has an account virtuemart remembers his basket. So if he wants to continue shopping, he will be forced to buy the product or delete his account and start a new one.

What could be the problem? If i deactivate Joomsef everything works fine...
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Re: remove products from cart doesn't work 14 years, 1 month ago #19986

  • jaku

that is a bit difficult to say... may be some problem in template (html eror) or some kind of cookie path problem.
We also use VirtueMart + JoomSEF at this site and AFAIK, the product removing from cart works fine.

I am afraid this might be quite problematic to debug withou having access to the site. If you would be interested in individual custom support, please order it. I believe our guys will be able to solve this.
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