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Redirect an Entire Directory
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TOPIC: Redirect an Entire Directory

Redirect an Entire Directory 14 years, 6 months ago #13792

I am trying to create a redirect for an entire directory after the site has been phished. I want to redirect any request for this directory to the home page. Currently, requests to this the actual URL is generating a 404 error.

the directory is

the actual url being exploited is

How can redirect it to the home page? What should I use: 1) Customized 404 feature? 2) 301 redirect? 3) advance edit of the ht access file

When you answer, please give me exact syntax, code and specific instructions. I am not that technical.

Thank you.

by the way, my order number 00011025

expedient response is greatly appreciated.
Last Edit: 14 years, 6 months ago by maddnoter. Reason: edit url
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Re:Redirect an Entire Directory 14 years, 6 months ago #13819

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

You need to use the advanced .htaccess edit. Add the following line:
RewriteRule ^images/seals/\.eeaaa index.php [R,L]
after the RewriteBase line.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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Re:Redirect an Entire Directory 14 years, 6 months ago #13902

dear sir, alas, the code did not work. it did not redirect. somehow the url is being rerendered.

so I tried to do a direct 301 redirect code of the entire offending url. that did not work either. it seems there are code that is overriding my redirect code,

please advise....

1. what 301 redirect command I should this correct

Redirect 301 /images/seals/.eeaaa/eee/rrr/ppuk1/webscr.php


Redirect 301

2. Where should this line of code go in the htaccess so the other rules don't overwrite it?

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Re:Redirect an Entire Directory 14 years, 6 months ago #13903

dear sir, alas, the code did not work. it did not redirect. somehow the url is being rerendered.

so I tried to do a direct 301 redirect code of the entire offending url. that did not work either. it seems there are code that is overriding my redirect code,

please advise....

1. what 301 redirect command I should this correct

Redirect 301 /images/seals/.eeaaa/eee/rrr/ppuk1/webscr.php


Redirect 301

2. Where should this line of code go in the htaccess so the other rules don't overwrite it?

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Re:Redirect an Entire Directory 14 years, 6 months ago #13979

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

The first option should work:
Redirect 301 /images/seals/.eeaaa/eee/rrr/ppuk1/webscr.php

Make the line the first one in .htaccess file and make sure that mod_alias is enabled on your server. You can find a documentation at

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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