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my site become slow when I upgardelates joomlsef3
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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: my site become slow when I upgardelates joomlsef3

my site become slow when I upgardelates joomlsef3 14 years ago #20606

my site become slow when I upgardelates joomlsef 3.8 I dont know what is going can nay one tell me is there nay bug with this new version or where can I get it the old version 3.7
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Re: my site become slow when I upgardelates joomlsef3 14 years ago #20721

  • jaku

I think there is no reason why JoomSEF 3.8 should be any slower than JoomSEF 3.7.
There has been done changes related to metadata generation, so unless you have extremely large articles, there should be no markable slow-down.

An even if, this should last only first time when the new metadata are being generated. With next uage of the SEF URL, these are loaded from DB, so the content does not get parsed again and again.

As regards the earlier version, it can be downloaded in the version archive.
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