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menu links not translating - Order ID 3227
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TOPIC: menu links not translating - Order ID 3227

menu links not translating - Order ID 3227 15 years, 10 months ago #6736

  • versadial
  • Call Recording Software and Telephone Recorders
  • Posts: 10
I'm using Joomla 1.5.10, Artio JoomSEF 3.3.0 and JoomFish 2.0.3 and my pages will translate but my menu links will always remain as the sef english links. I have title alias checked and can't see what the problem is. How do I get my menus to recognize the other language links using the title alias as the link?
For example the English menu link needs to be call-recording.html
and the Spanish menu link needs to be kit-de-la-grabacion-de-la-llamada.html

Any thoughts? I've tried lots of scenarios and can not get this to work.
Versadial Solutions
Call Recording Software
and Telephone Recorders
Last Edit: 15 years, 10 months ago by versadial. Reason: added order ID in subject
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Re:menu links not translating 15 years, 10 months ago #6738

  • jaku

make sure your system plugins are ordered in the right order.
1. ARTIO JoomSEF Metabot
2. JoomFish jfDatabase plugin
3. Joomla system "SEF" plugin

At the same time make sure JoomFish jfRouter is disabled.

Then it should work fine.
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Re:menu links not translating - order ID 3227 15 years, 10 months ago #6753

  • versadial
  • Call Recording Software and Telephone Recorders
  • Posts: 10
I did as you instructed. I disabled the jfrouter plugin and I moved the ARTIO JoomSEF plugin above the jfdatabase plugin.
When I choose an article and then change the language to Spanish, it changes the content to Spanish and lists the url correctly. When I click any of the menu links, which are still in English, I am then taken back to the English page for that link. I need all the spanish menu links to be listed as the Spanish title alias'. These changes are all made in the Joomfish translation screens for both content and menus.
Are there any other basic or advanced JoomSEF configurations that might help? (settings in next post)
Versadial Solutions
Call Recording Software
and Telephone Recorders
Last Edit: 15 years, 10 months ago by versadial. Reason: reworded. added more description.
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Re:menu links not translating - OrderID 3227 15 years, 10 months ago #6754

  • versadial
  • Call Recording Software and Telephone Recorders
  • Posts: 10
These are my basic, advanced and JoomFish related JoomSEF settings:

Enabled? Yes
Disable creation of new SEF URLs? No
Replacement character -
Page spacer character -
Strip characters ,|~|!|@|%|^|*|(|)|+|<|>|:|;|{|}|[|]|---|--|..
Trim friendly characters -|.
Use Title Alias? Title Alias
File suffix .html
Default index file index.php
Page text %s
All lowercase? Yes
Show Section? No
Show Category? No
Use index for sections and categories? Yes

Exclude source info (Itemid) Yes
Reappend source (Itemid) No
Ignore multiple sources (Itemids) Yes
Append non-SEF variables to URL Yes
Be tolerant to trailing slash? Yes
Redirect nonSEF URLs to SEF? No
Use Moved Permanently redirection table? Yes
Ask before saving URL to Moved Permanently table? Yes
Do not remove SID from SEF URL? No
Set server QUERY_STRING? No
Parse Joomla SEO links? Yes
Filter variable values? Yes
Filter these words: http:// http// https:// https// www. @
Variables to exclude from filtering:
Prevent nonSEF variables from overwriting the parsed ones: Yes

JoomFish Related Configuration
Language integration do not add
Always use language? No
Translate URLs? Yes
Get language from browser setting? Yes
Save language to cookie? Yes
Versadial Solutions
Call Recording Software
and Telephone Recorders
Last Edit: 15 years, 10 months ago by versadial. Reason: changed exclude source info data
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Re:menu links not translating - OrderID 3227 15 years, 9 months ago #6778

  • jaku

based on the config you have presented, I would say you should change the settings:
Language integration do not add
Always use language? No

-> you need to make sure JoomSEF always knows about what language is currently used, so I would say you should turn "Always use language?" to yes; as regards language integration, you should choose one of the ways. I recommend adding the laguage to path similarily as used at this site.
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Re:menu links not translating - OrderID 3227 15 years, 9 months ago #6780

  • versadial
  • Call Recording Software and Telephone Recorders
  • Posts: 10
Thank you. That combination works. Although I was trying to eliminate having the language code in the path. The language code does not appear in the deafult language path. This is good as it will not modify the sitemap currently in place with Google. Has anyone been able to have the menu links work without the language code appearing in the path?
Versadial Solutions
Call Recording Software
and Telephone Recorders
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