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login requested for any downloads
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TOPIC: login requested for any downloads

login requested for any downloads 14 years, 8 months ago #12295

Every JoomDOC files are approved, published and with viewers permissions set to "everybody", but when clicking on the download link:
    If the visitor is not a registered user or is not logged in, he is taken to the login page instead of starting the download process; I want free files on my site to be avaliable to all users.

    If the user logs in and try to download the file(s) he/her gets a "403 error: you are not athorized to view this resource" .

I've Joomla 1.5.18 on a linux server with joomSEF 3.6.3, joomDoc 2.0.1 extension, and Community Builder 1.2.2 properly installed.

Can you help me solve this issue?
Last Edit: 14 years, 8 months ago by zandar. Reason: more details on problem, NO ANSWER YET!
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