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joomsef sobi2 component name
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TOPIC: joomsef sobi2 component name

joomsef sobi2 component name 15 years, 10 months ago #6388


I've seen this topic come up quite a bit for various versions of Jommsef and sobi2 plugin.

I want to change "Sobi2" in my url to something else. In fact I want to get rid of it all together.

At the moment I have:

I want:

I have the latest sobi2.9.. and the latest joomsef3.2.11 + Joomla 1.5.10,

Looking through the forum most threads are about older joomsef installs and don't work with the newest one.

There are suggestions that Joomsef replaces the sobi2 with the name in the sobi2 configuration but this doesn't happen with mine.

I have searched through com_sobi2.php but I can't find where it gets the value anywhere.

Anybody resolve this issue before?
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{Solved] Re:joomsef sobi2 component name 15 years, 10 months ago #6389

I can't believe I wasted more than a day trying to find this.

For anyone else like me it is found under Artio Configuration at the bottom under Installed Sef extensions.

Write the name that you want in the custom title or tick the box for no title.

Cheers for a great product.
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