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Joom sef 3.2.9 installed but the page cant load
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TOPIC: Joom sef 3.2.9 installed but the page cant load

Joom sef 3.2.9 installed but the page cant load 16 years ago #6100

hi i have payed today the joom sef, than i installed the programm and the page (frontend) cant load, when i deavtivate the component, the page are load normal and when i "Disable creation of new SEF URLs" and activated it, than the page load, but no SEF urls on the page.

i have a .htaccess but what i do wrong? i have copy the .htaccess text from the ARTIO JoomSEF
Documentation in the .htaccess but nothing.

must i change something, sorry i cant good english. :-(

other components work with my site but i have payed joom sef and i will use it.

EDIT: ok i have the answer..... i must delete jos_redirection in the sql ^^
Last Edit: 16 years ago by Quali.
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Re:Joom sef 3.2.9 installed but the page cant load 16 years ago #6105

hi there
i have the same exact problem.
where do i find the file i need to delete? jos_redirection?
thank you for your help
hi again i found in MYSQL 3 files on jos_redirection
do i need to delete all of them?
adi nesher
Last Edit: 16 years ago by nonki212.
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Re:Joom sef 3.2.9 installed but the page cant load 16 years ago #6146

you can find the file in the sql from your joomla DB. go in my sql.
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Re:Joom sef 3.2.9 installed but the page cant load 16 years ago #6161

  • jaku
Yes, please, read Installing JoomSEF after sh404sef for details.
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