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don't know how to install from package
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TOPIC: don't know how to install from package

don't know how to install from package 14 years, 3 months ago #18606

I had the free version installed, then bought and entered the download ID. It doesn't upgrade to paid. I read the forum that says I need to download the package and upgrade from the package not the installer. I don't know how to do that because I do not have a com_joomself folder in my components directory or in my admin/components directory that matches what I downloaded.

So where do I put these new files?

ADDENDUM: I just found that the admin folder matched the com_sef/admin folder. I'm uploading those files now. I figured that part out.

But now what do I do with the language files. Your directory structure is: language/admin There is no such thing in Joomla. So are those files supposed to go in administrator/language? Where exactly? There is an en-GB folder there but none in your folder? do I just drop them in the language folder? Then where do the site and upgrade files go? I finally figured that out too. They go in the components?com_sef folder.

I left those questions here in case someone else is confused too. Hopefully it will help them. It would be extremely helpful if you named your folders the same.

I still have no idea of what to do with the upgrade folder. Please advise.
Last Edit: 14 years, 3 months ago by katandmouse.
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Re: don't know how to install from package 14 years, 3 months ago #18638

  • jaku

you do not need to copy file manually.
There are 2 way of upgrade:
1) automatic online
2) from file package; read more at:
a) b)
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