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Checkout in VirtueMart redirects me to homepage!
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TOPIC: Checkout in VirtueMart redirects me to homepage!

Checkout in VirtueMart redirects me to homepage! 14 years, 4 months ago #15361

I am having a serious problem.

My website is
I am running Joomla 1.15.19, VirtueMart 1.1.4 and Artio JoomSEF 3.7.4 with the VirtueMart extension version 2.0.33.

When I try to order a product. on Step 2 of the process I click the checkout button and it redirects me to my site index page. I have checked through the FAQ's on this site and the forums and found no solution that works.

IN my JoomSEF control panel the Set Server QUERY_STRING is set to "Yes"
I've tried the "Fix index.php links" setting with both No and Yes...and the same thing happens every time.

Nothing is working and I need a solution to this problem ASAP! HELP!!!!
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