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403 Error to Public User viewing registrd articles
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TOPIC: 403 Error to Public User viewing registrd articles

403 Error to Public User viewing registrd articles 14 years ago #20781

Joomla can handle "unauthorized links", but Artio JoomSEF gives 403 errors on protected article intro text.

I have some articles that are viewable to registered users, except the read more / intro text can be "teased" on the website to a public user, including a section blog layout menu item that is set to "allow unauthorized links".

In other words, a public user clicks the menu item and can see excerpts of those registered articles, along with login to read more links.

After I installed Artio SEF, everything seemed to work OK, but when I click that one menu item (not logged in), I get a 403 error when trying to access that section blog layout page URL.

If I log in, I'm able to access that page and everything works correctly.

Is there a way to fix this? I've poured over the documentation and the forums and have done many google searches. Any help on this is greatly appreciated!!
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Re: 403 Error to Public User viewing registrd articles 14 years ago #20787

Really?? Ten hours have gone by and I can't even get an admin/support reply on this??? Why did I pay??
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Re: 403 Error to Public User viewing registrd articles 14 years ago #20826

  • jaku
before you start complaining, please note that:
1) there is no guaranteed reply time; we try to reply ASAP; however you really any expect 10hrs reply, we are not Oracle's Gold support
2) you have not stated requested information as asked in
; so that could lead to ignoring your post at all

3) as regards your problem - what is the URL in the menu? JoomSEF shall only "translate" the SEF URLs to Joomla internal links and vice versa. It does not check any permissions or so, therefore the 403 error must be coming from Joomla directly.
But the problem might be, that the link is not stored correctly, therefore, the first step should be localizing the SEF link in the URL Manager and checking, if the stored non-SEF version there is correct and corresponds to the link used when SEF URLs in Joomla are off.
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