Dear Artio Support!
I have a problem with a Virtuemart JoomSEF extension:
I have Artio JoomSEF 3.7.4 (paid version)
And Virtuemart extension 2.0.2 (paid version)
Virtuemart 1.1.4
Joomla! 1.5.8
So, at the site, where i installed the SEF , theres a virtuemart manufacturer search module.
When i pick one manufacturer from the dropdown list, it will list correctly the items in the first page (adds nothing to the URL. E.g.: )
BUT when i click the "next page" or "page 2 " in the list it will navigate to different manufacturer, always an exact one and adds /menupoint/menupoint?limit=20&limitstart=20 where the "menupoint" is in my main menu.
How can i fix this?
If you need more info, i'll provide it.
Thank you.