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Virtuemart and SEF
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Support forum for customers who have purchased paid JoomSEF extension. Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: Virtuemart and SEF

Virtuemart and SEF 13 years, 4 months ago #24066

I have a serious problem getting your extension and vm plugin to work.

I have installed Artio Sef Urls component and extension for VM, everything works fine, sef urls are working.
The problem is sometimes website is not accessible. It is working for an hour, and then suddenly you can't enter it for a 30-45 seconds, after this period site is back again. Error reporting is on, bu't i cant see any errors there, the website is just blank. No source code, nothing.

I have troubles with VM section "SORT BY" links are not working if you try sort products. There is few small bits everywhere, but can't afford to have website that goes on and off.

Can u help?
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