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JoomSEF Configuration Headache
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TOPIC: JoomSEF Configuration Headache

JoomSEF Configuration Headache 15 years, 1 month ago #10281

Dear Artio Experts,

I got confused why 2 different non-sef urls are linked into same SEF url.

paypal-credit-cards = index.php?option=com_paidsystem
paypal-credit-cards = index.php?option=com_content&id=67&view=article
(autogenerated, but different content)

I knew there is something to do with advanced configuration, but I don't know which one.
Below is my advanced configuration, Please give a note which of it causes this problem, Thanks...

Tooltip Exclude source info (Itemid) No Yes
Tooltip Reappend source (Itemid) No Yes
Tooltip Ignore multiple sources (Itemids) No Yes
Tooltip Append non-SEF variables to URL No Yes
Tooltip Be tolerant to trailing slash? No Yes
Tooltip Redirect nonSEF URLs to SEF? No Yes
Tooltip Use Moved Permanently redirection table? No Yes
Tooltip Ask before saving URL to Moved Permanently table? No Yes
Tooltip Do not remove SID from SEF URL? No Yes
Tooltip Set server QUERY_STRING? No Yes
Tooltip Parse Joomla SEO links? No Yes
Tooltip Filter variable values? No Yes
Tooltip Prevent non-SEF variables from overwriting the parsed ones: No Yes
Tooltip Automatic canonical link generation: No Yes

Last Edit: 15 years, 1 month ago by teddysu81.
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Re:JoomSEF Configuration Headache 15 years, 1 month ago #10344

I'd like to know the same, I seem to get this a lot with docman and easyfaq URLs
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Re:JoomSEF Configuration Headache 15 years ago #10487

  • jaku
Hello Teddy,

the problem might be, that the first link (com_paidsystem) does not have a special extension and the SEF links is created most likely only on corresponding menu item.

You could make those different by turning duplicate numbering to ON, but that might lead to duplicates on the other end.
I think the easiest solution in this case could be manual adjustment (that is changing one of the autogenerated links manually), unless you have many such links. (if so, then SEO for com_paidsystem should be disabled unless there will be an extension for it)

You need to keep in mind JoomSEF may be powerful tool, but not allmighty.
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