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Joom SEF Virtuemart Extension with multiple flypag
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Support forum for customers who have purchased paid JoomSEF extension. Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: Joom SEF Virtuemart Extension with multiple flypag

Re:Joom SEF Virtuemart Extension with multiple flypag 14 years, 7 months ago #13454

I am having a problem with the Configuration page. I can't save, apply or cancel from the page. V 3.4.2.

I fixed the upgrade issue with JoomSEF, it has to be a double update, to 3.4.2 then 3.6.6 but I don't have the download id.

Still having problems with the configuration, can't save, apply or cancel!!!! Can't change the configuration.
Last Edit: 14 years, 7 months ago by lcwakeman.
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Re:Joom SEF Virtuemart Extension with multiple flypag 14 years, 7 months ago #13458

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
The System - SEF plugin is standard plugin shipped with Joomla! installation, so you really should have it.

Yes, there was some change in upgrade process in 3.4.3 version, so it has to be upgraded twice from the older versions. You can find the Download ID in the e-mail you've received when you've purchased JoomSEF. If you use the free version of JoomSEF, no Download ID is needed.

For VirtueMart extension, you can set the Download ID easily by clicking the key icon next to the "Paid" text in Manage Extensions page.

Is there any JavaScript error reported by your browser when you click the Save, Apply or Cancel button?

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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Re:Joom SEF Virtuemart Extension with multiple flypag 14 years, 7 months ago #13473

We have the paid version of JoomSEF. Customer wants to control all the ads displayed on their sites.

Once I get to 3.4.3, I might be able to find the icon next to the paid text on the Manage Extensions Page. I reverted to the online versions. Part of the problem is is that we don't know what the download id is. We only have the receipt for the VirtueMart extension.

There weere no javascript errors displayed. They do work in 3.2.9. That is where I am and that is where I am staying until these issues are resolved.

I am having a lot of trouble with your web site. The forums are fine after you have logged in, but when I follow a link from an email, I am not logged in and logging in takes me away from the forum page I was going to reply to. It should redirect back to that page or provide a link to do so.

As for, I can't find anything on the site and the customer support is non-existent. I should be able to log into the site (I have a valid username and password) and be able to find the details of my account, like what I have purchased and what the download ids are. I can't even find a profile page to see where you think that email should go or to update profile information. These are basic needs of customers. I need help to get the customer in a supportable state. The order number for the Virtuemart extension is 4324. The customer name is DC Merchant. At least I have Joomla up to current state and I wil be working on Virtuemart next, but I have a deadline of 1-August to get the SEF stuff working.

Sorry about the diatribe but I am very frustrated. You should of seen the way I ripped into Belkin Support this morning due to an issue with one of their routers. I worked for a major international CRM company for five years and I am very knowledgeable about how customer support should work. 90% of the companies out there don't understand the value of sustomer support. I suggest reading 'Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach To Customer Service' by Blanchard and Bowles. It is available through Amazon here in the US.
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Re:Joom SEF Virtuemart Extension with multiple flypag 14 years, 7 months ago #13480

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

You've received the Download ID with the e-mail when you purchased VM extension. You can also find it in your E-Shop Account (menu E-Shop, My Account link) using Option 2 from this FAQ:

I think there is quite a few options for customer support, described here:
And I think that me trying to actively help you on the forum also counts as a customer support.

Anyway, if the older version of JoomSEF suits your needs, it's OK to use it. So to get back to the first problem, how to get SEF URL to be displayed in the "Bulk Pricing Click Here" link. The link should be in form:
<a href="index.php?option=com_virtuemart&category_id=8&flypage=flypage_bulk.tpl&manufacturer_id=3&page=shop.product_details&product_id=184&Itemid=">

Then it should be automatically processed by System - SEF plugin (so make sure it is enabled).
The empty Itemid variable in the link may cause some trouble, so you should try which works - either remove it entirely, or leave it empty, or set the correct Itemid (which you can find in the Menu Manager in Joomla).

If the URL is still not translated to SEF, you could use the PHP function JRoute::_() like this:
<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&category_id=8&flypage=flypage_bulk.tpl&manufacturer_id=3&page=shop.product_details&product_id=184&Itemid='); ?>">

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 14 years, 7 months ago by dajo.
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Re:Joom SEF Virtuemart Extension with multiple flypag 14 years, 7 months ago #13486

Thanks for the information. It should get me going.

Anyway, i followed the link to the e-shop area and looked at my account. When I view the order, there is no download number and the invoice 404s.

Sorry about being snitty yesterday but I am dealing with customer support for two other products, one gives me no confidence, I feel I am in the middle of a script and the issue is not covered by the script, and the other one hasn't replied to me in over two weeks after saying I would be contacted shortly.
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Re:Joom SEF Virtuemart Extension with multiple flypag 14 years, 6 months ago #14346

  • wicko
  • Posts: 65
I am getting 404 errors off most of the links from this post. What is wrong at Artio?
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