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Upgrading 2.1.1 free to paid (to get rid of spam)
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TOPIC: Upgrading 2.1.1 free to paid (to get rid of spam)

Upgrading 2.1.1 free to paid (to get rid of spam) 17 years, 5 months ago #3078

I just purchased JoomSEF 2.1.1 and get an error when I try to use the upgrade install feature.

I already have the unpaid version of 2.1.1 installed so all i am trying to do is get rid of your spam that you have in the meta tags by installing my new paid version.

i submitted a web support request but it has gone unanswered so I am posting here also.

Re:Upgrading 2.1.1 free to paid (to get rid of spa 17 years, 5 months ago #3082

What spam? I have the free component and paid for the virtuemart extension, I dont see any 'spam' in the meta?



Re:Upgrading 2.1.1 free to paid (to get rid of spa 17 years, 5 months ago #3089

  • miun
  • A pesimist is just a well-informed realist.
  • Posts: 563
Dear Dan,

the upgrade is working just from older to newer versions. It is not possible to use this feature to upgrade from free to paid version. You have to reinstall manually or simply just copy the new (unpdaid version) file over the old ones.

However, it is a good point, we will consider implementing this feature to the upgrade system.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team

Re:Upgrading 2.1.1 free to paid (to get rid of spa 17 years, 5 months ago #3097

ok, what files do i need to manually upload to get rid of the your meta tag spam?

I have hundreds of custom urls so I want to be sure I don't lose all these in the conversion to my paid version. Thanks.

Re:Upgrading 2.1.1 free to paid (to get rid of spa 17 years, 5 months ago #3098

Gary Sumpter wrote:
What spam? I have the free component and paid for the virtuemart extension, I dont see any 'spam' in the meta?


Gary, Artio politely call it \"Free JoomSEF (with sponsor links) and free plugins\", see this page:

but it is really spam that ends of ironically in the meta tags.

Re:Upgrading 2.1.1 free to paid (to get rid of spa 17 years, 5 months ago #3099

Any examples of this? I use the component at and I don't see anything odd there?

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