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Unknown errors following installation
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TOPIC: Unknown errors following installation

Unknown errors following installation 17 years, 4 months ago #3200

OK, that bit ... I put a whole post together with all error codes, system info, etc., and the system timed me out. Y'all might want to give us a bit more time to complete a post!

I have Joomla! 1.0.13 and iJoomla Digistore installed on a Linux i686 server with PHP 4.4.4 and Apache API.

I installed Joomsef 2.2.0 tonight. It said it installed but couldn't find the .htaccess file. I fixed that and headed to the component configuration file as instructed. The component cPanel opened just fine. The config page doesn't work.

I set the config.sef.php file to 766 permissions. Still didn't work.

I uninstalled the component and reinstalled it. Still doesn't work on the config page.
Save button pops up the warning window, but does not save.
Cancel button doesn't work at all.
All fields in the left hand column work fine, but changes cannot be saved.
I cannot click into the editor window in the right hand column at all.

I'm not a coder or developer. Help would be appreciated.

Updating (at bottom) to include the error I got when I logged out of the administrator panel. NOW I'm not happy. :'(

Updating again - backend is now working and config page saves, etc. The warning (first quote below) still shows up, but the java script error (second quote below) is gone. This changed after I set the \"live site\" address in the config file for Joomla! The last quote below from my previous update, however, is what you get when you go to the frontend of the site (

This message appears at the top of the page:

Notice: Table 'manager_joom1.jos_languages' doesn't exist in /home/manager/public_html/main/includes/database.php on line 294


This message appears on the java script error notice for the page:

Line: 3715
Char: 5
Error: Access denied
Code: 0

Debug is turned on and provides the following:
20 queries executed
SELECT template
FROM jos_templates_menu
WHERE client_id = 1
AND menuid = 0
DELETE FROM jos_session
WHERE time < '1191810121'
AND guest = 1
AND gid = 0
AND userid <> 0
UPDATE jos_session
SET time = '1191811921'
, session_id = '546ff7b0591cdd27bf1aebe72c3f4052'
WHERE session_id = 'f7e1eeebfb0036cc9f3c6b7735da4941'
SELECT COUNT( session_id )
FROM jos_session
WHERE session_id = '546ff7b0591cdd27bf1aebe72c3f4052'
AND username = 'manager'
AND userid = 62
SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `jos_languages` WHERE `active`='1' ORDER BY `ordering`
SELECT id, title
FROM jos_content
WHERE sectionid = 0 AND title != '404'
AND catid = 0
ORDER BY ordering
SELECT id,introtext FROM jos_content WHERE `title`=\"404
SELECT SUBSTRING(link,8) AS name FROM jos_components WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(link) > 0 ORDER BY name
SELECT file, title FROM jos_sefexts
SELECT folder, element, published, params
FROM jos_mambots
WHERE published >= 1
AND access <= 25
AND folder = 'editors-xtd'
ORDER BY ordering
SELECT params
FROM jos_mambots
WHERE element = 'tinymce'
AND folder = 'editors'
SELECT template
FROM jos_templates_menu
WHERE client_id = 0
AND menuid = 0
SELECT, a.title,
FROM jos_sections AS a
WHERE a.scope = 'content'
ORDER BY a.ordering
SELECT params
FROM jos_modules
WHERE module = 'mod_mainmenu'
ORDER BY title
SELECT menutype
FROM jos_menu
GROUP BY menutype
ORDER BY menutype
FROM jos_components
WHERE name != 'frontpage'
AND name != 'media manager'
ORDER BY ordering, name
SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, params
FROM jos_modules AS m
WHERE m.published = 1
AND m.position = 'header'
AND m.client_id = 1
ORDER BY m.ordering
FROM jos_messages
WHERE state = 0
AND user_id_to = 62
SELECT COUNT( session_id )
FROM jos_session
WHERE session_id != '546ff7b0591cdd27bf1aebe72c3f4052'
SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, params
FROM jos_modules AS m
WHERE m.published = 1
AND m.position = 'debug'
AND m.client_id = 1
ORDER BY m.ordering

Message received after logging out of site:
Warning: mkdir(/home/manager/public_html/main/components/com_sef/cache) [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /home/manager/public_html/main/components/com_sef/sef.cache.php on line 69

Error: headers already sent in sef.cache.php on line 69.
Stopped at line 872 in joomsef.php: HEADERS ALREADY SENT (200)
<br><br>Post edited by: NativePages, at: 2007/10/08 06:29

Re:Unknown errors following installation 17 years, 4 months ago #3232

I'm bumping this up hoping someone will read it and lend a hand. I still have a site down because of these errors. The ability to save configuration settings was resolved, and I can log into and use the admin side of the site, but the front end is still returning that weird error message.
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