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Troubleshooting Joomsef
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Support forum for users using free edition of JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). These forums are mainly for mutual help between users.

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TOPIC: Troubleshooting Joomsef

Troubleshooting Joomsef 17 years, 8 months ago #2480

I have the latest version of JoomSEF and I purchased the Virtuemart plugin. Myself and my webmaster cannot get it to function properly.

Other components I am running include: (all the latest versions)
- Joomap
- Joomstats
- JoomlaXplorer
- Linx
- Shout It
- Virtuemart

Modules I am running include: (all the latest versions)
- Google Analytics SSL
- VM Live Search
- D4J Transmenu

The problems include:
- once i turned it on, the regular links changed to the SEF urls, but the left navigation didnt
- it seems like the inital part worked, in changing the links to sef urls, but the sef urls do not properly forward the links to the proper page and the server errors out
- I tried the settings the documentation discusses, and the troubleshooting guide instructions, and none worked
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