Just trying out the JoomSEF on my test site before I put it on my production site. The sites main language is Swedish (+Joomfish with English, Norwegian and Finnish installed) and I have one issue and it's with URLs created for com_weblink.
This is how it looks in swedish if we write all letters without character replacement:
www.mywebsite.com/se/webblänkar/dansskolor & föreningar/västerås danscenter.html
This is how they look like with replacement:
If we used english it looks like this (just so you know what it says):
Character replacement works fine everywhere on the site but not the word used for
weblinks, in swedish it's
webblänkar, the character
ä doesn't get replaced with
a and yes it's in the config (Non-ascii char replacements) and you can see that it replaces the other
ä correctly (as well as ö and å)...
And it doesnt matter what language I use, the non-ascii chars does not get replaced in the translated words for weblinks (so it's not only problem with the letter ä).
Please, why is it like this and how do I fix it? I want the word webbl-nkar to read webblankar as it should! (and the finnish word for weblinks, linkkejä, should read linkkeja NOT linkkej- )<br><br>Post edited by: MrMastah, at: 2007/04/13 02:42