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Title &Meta Descrition & Keywords dont work
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Support forum for users using free edition of JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). These forums are mainly for mutual help between users.

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TOPIC: Title &Meta Descrition & Keywords dont work

Re:Title &Meta Descrition & Keywords dont work 17 years, 8 months ago #2445

I've added the php to my template's index.php, but JoomSEF is still not creating the titles I want.


1. When I change the title in View/Edit SEF URLs, the title does not change on the page.
2. JoomSEF does not seem to work on Sections or Categories

How do I solve these problems?

Re:Title &Meta Descrition & Keywords dont work 17 years, 7 months ago #2539

I have added the lines:

and the <META name=\"description\" .../> and <META name=\"keywords\" .../> meta-tags are generated properly.

But now the <META name=\"title\" .../> meta-tag gives the page title twice separated by a comma. The <TITLE>...</TITLE> tag is correct.

Is this template hack correct? How to fix the <META name=\"title\" .../>?

Re:Title &Meta Descrition & Keywords dont work 17 years, 7 months ago #2540

zunlout wrote:
I have added the lines:

and the <META name=\"description\" .../> and <META name=\"keywords\" .../> meta-tags are generated properly.

But now the <META name=\"title\" .../> meta-tag gives the page title twice separated by a comma. The <TITLE>...</TITLE> tag is correct.

Is this template hack correct? How to fix the <META name=\"title\" .../>?

I've the same problem, after inserting hack template lines there are duplicate in meta name title tag...argh!!!

Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance

Re:Title &Meta Descrition & Keywords dont work 17 years, 7 months ago #2555

  • godyn
  • Posts: 20
Is the mambot responsible for the bug?

I could use the function that places the sitename at the end of the title.
I now installed version 1.5 again because of the problem.
And would install the 1.5.1 bot.

Re:Title &Meta Descrition & Keywords dont work 17 years, 7 months ago #2573

We seem to have gotten things working as they should be by installing JoomSEF 1.5.1, un-installing the mambot that comes with it, uploading the 1.5.0 mambot and then replacing /mambots/system/joomsef_metabot.php with the following code:

* SEF module for Joomla!
* @author $Author: michal $
* @copyright ARTIO s.r.o.,
* @package JoomSEF
* @version $Name$, ($Revision: 4994 $, $Date: 2005-11-03 20:50:05 +0100 (??t, 03 XI 2005) $)
* @license Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* File edited by Bathcomms ( on 16 July 2007

// Security check to ensure this file is being included by a parent file.
if (!defined('_VALID_MOS')) die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');
$_MAMBOTS->registerFunction('onAfterStart', 'generateSEFMeta');
function generateSEFMeta()
global $mainframe, $database, $mosConfig_MetaKeys, $mosConfig_MetaDesc;
// Get the mambot's parameters
$query = \"SELECT id FROM #__mambots WHERE element = 'joomsef_metabot' AND folder = 'system'\";
$id = $database->loadResult();
$mambot = new mosMambot($database);
$params = new mosParameters($mambot->params);
$rewriteKeywords = $params->get('rewrite_keywords');
$rewriteDescription = $params->get('rewrite_description'); /* NEW LINE BY BATHCOMMS */
$preferTitle = $params->get('prefer_joomsef_title');
// Add metatags if there are any
if (isset($GLOBALS['sefMetaTags'])) {
$tags = $GLOBALS['sefMetaTags'];
// Page title
if (isset($tags['title'])) {
if ($preferTitle) {
// Protect our title from rewriting
$GLOBALS['mosConfig_pagetitles'] = '0';
// Description metatag
/*if (isset($tags['metadesc'])) {
if ($mosConfig_MetaDesc) $mosConfig_MetaDesc .= ', ';
$mosConfig_MetaDesc .= $tags['metadesc'];

if (isset($tags['metadesc'])) {
if( ($rewriteDescription == '1') || ($mosConfig_MetaDesc == '') ) {
$mosConfig_MetaDesc = $tags['metadesc'];
else {
$mosConfig_MetaDesc .= ', ' . $tags['metadesc'];
$mainframe->addMetaTag('description', $mosConfig_Description);
$mosConfig_Description = '';
// Keywords metatag
if (isset($tags['metakey'])) {
if( ($rewriteKeywords == '1') || ($mosConfig_MetaKeys == '') ) {
$mosConfig_MetaKeys = $tags['metakey'];
else {
$mosConfig_MetaKeys .= ', ' . $tags['metakey'];
$mainframe->addMetaTag('keywords', $mosConfig_MetaKeys);
$mosConfig_MetaKeys = '';
// Other metatags
foreach ($tags as $name => $content) {
$mainframe->appendMetaTag($name, $content);

However the reason we are working on this is to get meta data into the VirtueMart pages (product and category) but it's just not working at all.

We've installed the VirtueMart extension for JoomSEF with no joy, what exactly does the extensions do? What versions of JoomSEF is it compatible with? Only 1.3.0 or 1.3.0+?

Re:Title &Meta Descrition & Keywords dont work 17 years, 7 months ago #2574

  • godyn
  • Posts: 20
Thanks for the info.
I think I'll stick with 1.5.0 for now, untill there's a definitive working version :-)
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