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some questions after installing joomsef
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Support forum for users using free edition of JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). These forums are mainly for mutual help between users.

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TOPIC: some questions after installing joomsef

some questions after installing joomsef 15 years, 6 months ago #7789

i installed the joomsef component and now i have some questions.

1. is it necessary to activate the joomla SEF function in the control center?
2. is it necessary to activate the mod_rewrite_url function in the control center (i'm using htaccess with rewrite_url)
3. is there any tutorial which shows the important settings after the first installation?
4. on the joomla extension site are a lot of comments where people say that joomsef place links and meta tags which linked to the developer site (on the payed version). Is this true? i can't believe this because if i install the payed version there is no reason why the links are still there and i can look on the source code of my page and if there is some meta tags or links that is not a part of the "terms of use"

I hope anybody can answer my questions.
Thanks a lot.
Last Edit: 15 years, 6 months ago by phatair.

Re:some questions after installing joomsef 15 years, 6 months ago #7800

  • pavel
Hello phatair,

1. Yes, it is necessary to have Search Engine Friendly URLs enabled in Joomla Global Configuration
2. Yes, JoomSEF only works in Apache mod_rewrite mode; if that is off, then Joomla core SEO is used (regardless any other options set)
3. Yes, you can look into documentation
4. This is of course not true. If paid component is done correctly, there should be no meta tags or footer texts.

Best regards
Pavel Gavlík
ARTIO Support Team
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