romain wrote:
Have you a solution to retrieve URLs (referrers) to produce the 404?
I check the option "Settings / Advanced / Enable tracing source URL? = yes"
I referrer URLs for all URLs in the table "view log 404" except for errors 404. damage
thank you for your work
I modify your /components/com_sef/joomsef.php
line 1016
// record the bad URL
$query = "INSERT INTO `#__sefurls` (`cpt`, `sefurl`, `origurl`, `dateadd`) "
. " VALUES ( '1', '$route', '', CURDATE() )";
$referer = @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
// record the bad URL
$query = "INSERT INTO `#__sefurls` (`cpt`, `sefurl`, `origurl`, `trace`, `dateadd`) "
. " VALUES ( '1', '$route', '', '$referer', CURDATE() )";