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Real URLs suddenly stop working
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TOPIC: Real URLs suddenly stop working

Real URLs suddenly stop working 17 years ago #3901

Joomla 1.0.13
JoomSEF 2.2.6
AEC, CB, DocMan, and more.

Everything worked fine, and suddenly ANY REAL URL generated by Joomla itself or the components I have installed stop working and causes a REDIRECT STATUS 301 to frontpage (The page I defined in case of 404 response).

I'm really desperate. Everything has been working fine and I haven't done any change.

Guests can't login, for instance. Anybody can't buy any product. Its a catastrophe. I really don't know what can i do.

I even can't establish properly what it is really happening. Need help even to enunciate the problem.

It seems that Joomsef doesn't use the registers it has in the DB for certain SEF urls, and nor the Real URL. Dont know.
Please, help.

The site: ¡¡Try to register!! It is in spanish, but I'm sure you will recognize the CBLogin Module, similar to Joomla's one. Or try to see the RSS pages. The typical RSS icons on the right side are linked (hard coded) to a feedburner URL out of Joomla. Why doesn't neither work now? Really annoying

I'm really dissapointed



Artio Support consider it is a incompatibility issue. It is very important to check the compatibility of EACH COMPONENT of Jommla, and JoomSEF. if it is not oficially supported, it is better to skip it at the Configuration Panel. Other case it may cause VERY strange things like the problem I described.

Once configured to be used only with compatible components, JoomSEF seems to work fine.
Last Edit: 16 years, 11 months ago by
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