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Problem between Joomsef and Sobisef.
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TOPIC: Problem between Joomsef and Sobisef.

Problem between Joomsef and Sobisef. 15 years ago #10797


Yesterday I install Artio Joomsef on my web to improve SEO and now I've a problem between Joomsef and Sobisef.

With joomsef activate, I have a problem in the entry form.

In Joosef confgurations for sobi extention, if I choose Joomsef handler, the sobi gallery entry form appear with all the menus around it (like the image). It is in an Iframe and usually it appear without menus.

If I choose Default Joomla!router, I have the same result.

And, if I choose Don't SEF, the sobi gallery form is ok but all sobi urls appear "not friendly", and sobisef doesn't work (why? I don't know).

Then, If I disable Artio Joomsef, Sobisef work again, the urls are friendlies and the menus don't appear in the iframe.

I don't understand why if I choose in joomsef "don't sef" or "default joomla!router", sobisef doesn't work.

I don't know what to try to solve this problem.

Some ideas to solve it?

Thanks a lot.

Re:Problem between Joomsef and Sobisef. 14 years, 11 months ago #11340

  • jaku
do you have the SOBI2 extension for JoomSEF installed?
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