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Joomsef - images not displaying in virtuemart
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TOPIC: Joomsef - images not displaying in virtuemart

Joomsef - images not displaying in virtuemart 16 years, 7 months ago #4518

Joomla 1.53
Latest Joomsef and Virtuemart plugin (both registered versions).

Problem 1

If I add images into my virtuemart product description normally, or include it in a content article, - no problem the system works.

However I've added a custom script to retrieve product thumbnails in the category browse pages.
Instead of including an uploaded file for each product image, I've hacked the flypage to display an image images/preview/**product name**/preview.jpg
So there is a folder to each product name with a preview.jpg file contained within it.

Works fine without joomsef, but with joomsef turned on, unless I change the code to put a directory in front of that 'new/ (so new/images/preview/ etc etc) or use ../../ it won't show the image.

Problem 2:

Each product also calls a flash file located in the base url of the test site ( but using a relative path. The flash file loads no problem but it calls for images from that same images/preview/**product name**/ directory, and of course each image I want to load in it won't be found and neither will the .flv's.

My .htaccess file shows RewriteBase /new

Im almost certain that when I move the site into the live directory (no /new folder) this will sort itself out but is there something in the meantime I can do?

Re:Joomsef - images not displaying in virtuemart 16 years, 7 months ago #4525

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

You can use the absolute paths instead of relative - use the JURI::base() or JURI::root() functions to determine the absolute address dynamically.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team

Re:Joomsef - images not displaying in virtuemart 16 years, 7 months ago #4527

Thanks David,

Thanks for the tip. Because the test site is in a subdirectory, I simply added /new/ to all url calls and in the flash player, use an absolute path.

Further note:
Joomsef is great and the virtuemart mod worked nicely - although I noticed it doesn't like joomla cache being turned on! Keep up the good work.
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