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JoomSEF does not appear to be generating SEF URL's
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TOPIC: JoomSEF does not appear to be generating SEF URL's

JoomSEF does not appear to be generating SEF URL's 15 years, 8 months ago #7064

Hi there!

I have just installed a test Joomla site with V1.5.11 and JoomSEF v3.2.12. I have Artio JoomSEF enabled, but the URL's are coming up in the non SEF format e.g.;id=1&Itemid=4

I have tried enabling the "Use Search Engine Friendly URL's " in the global configuration, but I keep getting an error message

Fatal error: Call to undefined function getMenuTitle() in /var/www/html/Joomla_V1_5/components/com_sef/sef_ext/com_virtuemart.php on line 20

Any suggestions??

Re:JoomSEF does not appear to be generating SEF URL's 15 years, 8 months ago #7065

  • jaku

ad 1) make sure SEO is enabled in Joomla Global Configuration; both SEO and usage of .htaccess must be turned on when using JoomSEF (of course also check that JoomSEF is enabled, but that should be ON by default)

ad 2) this seems like you are trying to run some older version of the VirtueMart extension with the new JoomSEF; for JoomSEF 3.x you need VM extension 2.0.x.

Re:JoomSEF does not appear to be generating SEF URL's 15 years, 8 months ago #7066

I did try installing a module for virtuemart which I have been using on a Joomla V1.0 site, but I thought that I had taken it off. So how do I make sure that this module is uninstalled??

Re:JoomSEF does not appear to be generating SEF URL's 15 years, 8 months ago #7067

I've now managed to get past the error message I spoke about in the original post, and JoomSEF does appear to be generating the URL's now but, I seem to be taken to the 404 page in my main site now! You can see this at

How do I get round this??

Also I purchased the JoomSEF virtuemart plugin for a Joomla V1.0 site. Is there an upgrade option or do I still have to purchase a new plugin for my Joomla V1.5.11 site??

Re:JoomSEF does not appear to be generating SEF URL's 15 years, 8 months ago #7076

  • jaku

as regards 404 problem, if your site (probably testing instance?) is now installed in "", make sure that your RewriteBase in .htaccess file is changed to /Joomla_V1_5.

As regards the VirtueMart JoomSEF extension, similarily as when migrating from JoomSEF 2.x to 3.x, you need to purchase the new version. JoomSEF + its extensions for Joomla 1.0 and 1.5 are quite different and moreless written from scratch again, so that is why the online upgrade policy does not apply to this migration.
Last Edit: 15 years, 8 months ago by .

Re:JoomSEF does not appear to be generating SEF URL's 15 years, 8 months ago #7084

I have just installed Artio 3.3 and purchased extensions for Vm and JoomGallery. After installing them nothing chaged eventhough I have cleared the cache and everything else. The store section of the site and JG are still showing the same long URLs and the BG image from my site theme is missing. All the rest of the static pages are working fine though.

The url of the test site is:
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