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JoomSEF causing JEvents calendar to crash
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TOPIC: JoomSEF causing JEvents calendar to crash

JoomSEF causing JEvents calendar to crash 17 years, 6 months ago #2876

I had JEvents installed with JoomSEF and then out of a sudden I started getting an error on JEvents: \"Too many pages\"
I did a search for that error related to JEvents and on the Joomlacode Tracker page for JEvents someone pointed me to an incompatibility between JEvents and Artio JoomSEF.
I did notice that my JoomSEF installation was creating too many copies of the same pages.
I wonder if this was solved with v2? Can I stop JoomSEF from multiplying the number of pages? Will that maintain the page names? I don't want to have to change them all manually....
Also...has someone found a solution to the \"Too many pages\" error ?

Thank you in advance,

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