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JoomSef 3: Nice, but also a construction site
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Support forum for users using free edition of JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). These forums are mainly for mutual help between users.

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TOPIC: JoomSef 3: Nice, but also a construction site

JoomSef 3: Nice, but also a construction site 16 years, 8 months ago #4376

Finally I found a SEF-extension for my Joomla 1.5.3 with Joom!Fish 2.0Beta configuration that works!
After trying to work with the Joomla-built-in SEF and the fitting patch, then using sh404sef and smartsef I finally finished my search for a working SEF-extension. The configuration is very easy, but the results are often not as expected.

The following bugs were found by trying to use the extension properly.
  • use the menu's alias instead of the title: The system will always use the name of a menu independently of what has been selected.(I patched this one for myself)
  • show categories and/or sections Neither categories will be shown nor sections irrespective of selection
  • Non-ascii char replacements Changes are saved, but they do not affect runtime
  • The method "getCategories" is coded twice, once as "_getCategories" and once as "getCategories". They do have up to 99% equal code...

Besides that I am confident that there's much more to do...

I would like to hear from you, when you are planning to develop the section/categories display, as this one is the most important for me to have. If you could give me a short advice where I can help myself in the code, before you are able to fix it, I would do so.

Again and closing I can say it is a great component making the SEF-thingy very easy to use. Currently I am using the release 3.1.0 with standard extensions.
Last Edit: 16 years, 8 months ago by kebap.

Re:JoomSef 3: Nice, but also a construction site 16 years, 8 months ago #4397

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

The category/section is working, it's strange it doesn't work on your website. Have you purged the URLs and cleaned the cache after changes in configuration?
As regards the other things - we'll check them.

Thank you for your report, I wish there were more users like you :-)

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team

Re:JoomSef 3: Nice, but also a construction site 16 years, 8 months ago #4415

Hi David,
Thanks for the compliment ;-)

The configuration regarding the section/category is a bit misunderstanding.

I understood the configuration this way. Correct me please, if I go wrong:
To show the sections, I have to set the radio-button to "Yes", as the small "i"-button tells me.
First, I thougt, I had to set the "Show Categories"-radio-button also to "Yes", but the "i"-button tells me to invert my thougts and to set this one to "no". Original quote :"Set to yes to exclude the category name in url"
Is this correct? Do I have to set this button to "No", when I would like to have the categories shown in the URL? This is a bit confusing...

Since it did not work yet, I had to "pimp" my site in a different way. Now I use a virtual subcategory in combination with the advanced configuration replacement settings (which I had to patch, as it didn't work as expected).
For example:
The alias of a menu is "user-information". The resulting URL will then be "".
This one works also for using in combination with Joom!Fish. The Url will then look like this: "".

If you're interested in taking a look on my changes to the code, just contact me.

Best regards

Re:JoomSef 3: Nice, but also a construction site 16 years, 8 months ago #4416

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

That's a mistake, the category help should say include like the section help does, so you need to set it to Yes in order to show the category in URL.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team

Re:JoomSef 3: Nice, but also a construction site 16 years, 7 months ago #4441


thanks for the tip. After upgrading to 3.1.1 it works now, but yet I found a new problem.

The menus do not show up any more. When a speciifc article was selected, normally some menus should show up. In the module-settings of the menus the chosen articles are still configured, but while displaying the page, only the article appears and not the corresponding menus.

Even when I use the translated path like "index.php?option=com_content&catid=7&id=108&lang=de&view=article", it won't work.

What's wrong here? Any ideas?

Re:JoomSef 3: Nice, but also a construction site 16 years, 7 months ago #4442

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

There should be an Itemid variable present in the URL which determines the menu selected and let's Joomla identify which modules to show. Check that you have "Exclude source info (Itemid)" and "Reappend source (Itemid)" both set to Yes or both to No in configuration.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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