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It looks like it works...but it doesn't work
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TOPIC: It looks like it works...but it doesn't work

It looks like it works...but it doesn't work 18 years, 5 months ago #245

  • Sam
First off, I just want to say how easy it was to install this component. No worries there.

I have had some success in getting this to work because if you go to and go to the section called "ABOUT" you'll see it show the words that describe the page in the URL as opposed to an item or ID number. This also works with the news items.

However, when I click on Technology or Solutions and then click the sub menu items, the SEF is not working. I get an URL that contains something like this:


instead of:


In the solutions section, if I click on Draft Caddy, I have similar results with an URL that is NOT SEF friendly.

Many thanks in advance.

Re:It looks like it works...but it doesn't work 18 years, 5 months ago #246

  • Sam
To help clarify my issue, I've attached a link to a picture showing one URL that has been generated by 404 SEFx. If you go to the same link on the website it still shows the dynamically generated link and not the simple english .html link.

Link: ARTIO JoomSEF URL Manager

After you get to the website, click on the picture so that it becomes readable.

Re:It looks like it works...but it doesn't work 18 years, 5 months ago #267

  • jirka

this may depend on how this left menu block of your site is generated? Is it a standard menu? Or is it some special module?


Re:It looks like it works...but it doesn't work 18 years, 5 months ago #276

  • Sam
Hi Jiří,

Thanks for responding to my post. The left menu block is generated by a module developed by Rene Kreijveld. The module name is called mod_show_submenu. The module was released on 11/04/2005 and it is version 1.0. The contact info is Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. and website is

It seems to me that you believe that the module may be causing the issue here. If it is the module that is causing this problem:

1. Do you believe that it can fixed or would I have to go to the author?
2. If I cannot go to the author, do you have an alternative that I could use instead?

Thanks again. Much appreciatd for your assistance.


Re:It looks like it works...but it doesn't work 18 years, 5 months ago #285

  • jirka
Hi Sam,

I haven't checked the module closer again, but from what I saw yesterday I would bet that the problem is caused by the fact the author of the module does not use the function "sefRelToAbs" to generate links in his module. By default, it should be always used when generating internal links.

If it is so (and it appears so), then the fix is easy -- just add calling of this function everywhere in the module where <a> tag is generated. You could do it yourself or better contact the author of the module to do so. If we have some time left, we may do a patch for that module, but it will certainly not be in the next few days. (and anyway it is always better to contact the maintainer first).

Best regrds,

Re:It looks like it works...but it doesn't work 18 years, 5 months ago #288

  • Sam
Hi Jiří,

Thanks for the quick response and analysis of the issue. I took a look at the mod_show_submenu.php file to see if I could attempt this quick fix. Unfortunately, I could not find where the <a> tag is generated. (Hint: I'm not very good at code :( )

I'm posting what is shown in the PHP file:

defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
$menuid = $params->get( 'menuid', 0 );
$content = "";
$sql = "SELECT m.* FROM #__menu AS m"
. "\nWHERE published=1 AND parent=$menuid"
. "\nORDER BY ordering";
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$rows = $database->loadObjectList( 'id' );
$content = '<ul id="'. $menuclass .'">';
$menuclass = "sublevel";
foreach ($rows as $v ) {
if ($v->type != 'url') {
$v->link .= "&Itemid=$v->id";
$theLink = str_replace('&', '##########', $v->link);
$theLink = str_replace('&', '&', $theLink);
$theLink = str_replace('##########', '&', $theLink);
$content = $content . "<li><a href=\"$theLink\" class=\"$menuclass\">$v->name</a></li>\n";
$content = $content . "</ul>\n";

I know that you're probably up to your neck in work so when you get a chance to take a closer look at this, it would be greatly appreciated.

I know for a fact that this is probably one of the better modules out there that allows for submenus when the template does not allow for it. It's simple and straightforward.

Again, thanks for the quick response and I look forward to your response.

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