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Installation problems - spanish site
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TOPIC: Installation problems - spanish site

Installation problems - spanish site 18 years, 5 months ago #199

  • viajeria

I tried installing the JoomSEF component and received the following errors:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/viajer5/public_html/administrator/components/com_sef/language/spanish.php:302) in /home/viajer5/public_html/mambots/system/jfdatabase.systembot.php on line 195


My site's in spanish ( and I read another post with a cryptic suggestion to "remove the extra spaces at the end of your language file". I don't really understand what this means. Also, I'm unable to change permissions on this file to edit it? Why could that be? Could you help me out?

Paul<br><br>Příspěvek upravil jirka, 12/09/2006 21:33

Re:Installation problems - spanish site 18 years, 5 months ago #204

  • jaku

there were some problems with some language files as those contained some extra characters in the beggining or end of the file. If you delete them from spanish.php it should be ok.

Alternativelly download the newest release from our web, where it should be already fixed.

Best regards,

Re:Installation problems - spanish site 18 years, 5 months ago #208

  • viajeria

Sorry for pasting such a large file, but I wanted to try once more. I have the latest version (1.2.4), and I don't see any extra characters in the spanish.php file below. Any suggestions about changing the file (or trying something else?) Thanks a lot.


File content has been removed by moderator.
<br><br>Příspěvek upravil jirka, 12/09/2006 21:32

Re:Installation problems - spanish site 18 years, 5 months ago #210

  • jirka
Hello Paul,

please, dowload the JoomSEF once more as it seems, you still have the corrupted file installed.

The spanish.php should have only 130 lines and your posted files is much longer. Also the errors says output started at line 302, and obviously there is no such line in the actual version.

You do not need to reinstall the whole component, it will be just enought to replace the spanish.php file in languages directory.

Hopefully, that will help.
Jirka<br><br>Příspěvek upravil jirka, 12/09/2006 21:33

Re:Installation problems - spanish site 18 years, 5 months ago #218

  • viajeria
Hi Jirka,

I reinstalled the spanish language pack and then downloaded and installed the JoomSEF component again. So far no problems. Thanks a lot for the component and for your help!

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