Like most sites I dont install joomla in the root, but install it in a subfolder off of the root. I was able to get the htaccess to redirect properly from the root using the simple redirect
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^mysite
RewriteRule (.*) /mysite/$0
And this functioned perfectly within joomla. However when sef was enabled I kept getting page not found errors. (These were wrapped nicely inside the template). After some investigating I found the culprit. com_sef/sef.php configures a variable called $base which is set to what it thinks the "root" of the server. It does this by using dirname function and the likes. This file calls joomsef.php which uses the global base php variable (defined in sef.php) to determine a matching path for the request. Unfortunately this does not take into account that the request has been initially redirected. So if the request was for
the sef would try to match the base of the request ("/") with "mysite" since it didnt match it gives the 404 error.
The fix was a simple hack. modify joomsef.php and after the
global $database, $URI, $my, $option, $index, $base;
Add in
This overrides the "calculated" url request base.
This is an excellent module, I hope that this option could be added to the configuration panel