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ext_joomsef_virtuemart_1.1 Installation
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TOPIC: ext_joomsef_virtuemart_1.1 Installation

ext_joomsef_virtuemart_1.1 Installation 17 years, 1 month ago #3496


I try to use ext_joomsef_virtuemart_1.1 and ...impossible to install

error message /

Upload mambot - Failed XML setup file is not for a \"mambot\". ???

pls help, does anybody have a solution ??


Re:ext_joomsef_virtuemart_1.1 Installation 17 years, 1 month ago #3497

I also can't get ext_joomsef_virtuemart_1.1 to work. It either does nothing at all when I install it or the menu item for virtuemart actually disappears!

I tried emailing but I've had no reply. Can mister Artio try and fix it for me or give me a refund?


P.S. This is with Joomla 113 and Joomsef 115.

Re:ext_joomsef_virtuemart_1.1 Installation 17 years, 1 month ago #3499


yes, the same, here this is with ARTIO JoomSEF v2.1.1 and Joomla! 1.0.4


Re:ext_joomsef_virtuemart_1.1 Installation 17 years, 1 month ago #3501

  • jirka

VM extension for JoomSEF is not a mambot! So trying to install it as mambot will not work.

It needs to be installed using the setup built-in JoomSEF control panel. (check there for icon install), The rest of the procedure is same as for other Joomla! installable components. (click it, select the file you have downloaded and upload)

Check JoomSEF documentation for details, the whole installation process is described there.

To Maljonic: We did not get any email from you. Where did you send it? VM extension has nothing to do with VM menu item. If you have JoomSEF 1.x you need VM extension 1.0.x. VM extension 1.1.x works only with JoomSEF 2.x. (it is written everywhere)

Re:ext_joomsef_virtuemart_1.1 Installation 17 years, 1 month ago #3507

I sent the email to eshop @ - just replied to my purchase email. Please can you tell me where to get VM extension 1.0.x. from, or just PM me how I can alter the one I bought by mistake?

Re:ext_joomsef_virtuemart_1.1 Installation 17 years, 1 month ago #3510

  • jirka
Dear Maljonic,
we were able to find your email now. It was filtered out automatically with the other e-shop orders and was not noticed. Please, next time, write to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. . We will mail you the correct version.
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