FILE for content.php
* SEF module for Joomla!
* @author $Author: michal $
* @copyright ARTIO s.r.o.,
* @package JoomSEF
* @version $Name$, ($Revision: 4994 $, $Date: 2005-11-03 20:50:05 +0100 (??t, 03 XI 2005) $)
// Security check to ensure this file is being included by a parent file.
if (!defined('_VALID_MOS')) die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');
class sefext_com_content extends sef_404
function create($string, &$vars) {
global $sefConfig;
$params = SEFTools::GetExtParams('com_content');
// Set title.
$title = array();
//Limitstart, limit nog toevoegen
switch (@$task) {
case 'new': {
$title[] = getMenuTitle($option, $task, $Itemid, $string);
$title[] = 'new' . $sefConfig->suffix;
case 'archivecategory':
case 'archivesection': {
if (eregi($task.\".*id=\".$id, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) break;
default: {
if( isset($do_pdf) && ($do_pdf == 1) ) {
// Create PDF
$title = sef_404::getContentTitles('view', $id);
if (count($title) === 0) $title[] = getMenuTitle(@$option, @$task, @$Itemid);
$title[] = _CMN_PDF;
} else {
//$title = array_merge($title, sef_404::getContentTitles($task,$id));
$title = sef_404::getContentTitles($task, $id);
if (count($title) === 0) $title[] = getMenuTitle(@$option, @$task, @$Itemid);
// if ((@$task == \"view\") && isset($sefConfig->suffix)) {
// // throw the suffix on the last item
// if ($sefConfig->suffix == \"/\") {
// $title[] = \"/\";
// }else{
// $title[count($title)-1] .= $title[count($title)-1].$sefConfig->suffix;
// }
// }
// Add content ID if set to
if( $params->get('titleid', '0') != '0' ) {
$i = count($title) - 1;
$title[$i] = $id . '-' . $title[$i];
if ((@$task == 'view') && isset($sefConfig->suffix)) {
$title[count($title) - 1] .= $sefConfig->suffix;
else {
$title[] = '/';
if( isset($pop) && ($pop == 1) ) {
// Print article
$title[] = _CMN_PRINT. (isset($page) ? '-'.($page+1) : '');
if (count($title) > 0) {
$string = sef_404::sefGetLocation($string, $title, null, @$limit, @$limitstart, @$lang);
return $string;