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Domain names multiple sites and joomfish
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Support forum for users using free edition of JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). These forums are mainly for mutual help between users.

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TOPIC: Domain names multiple sites and joomfish

Domain names multiple sites and joomfish 17 years, 8 months ago #2384

First off I'm a total novice at joomla, so don't be surprised if I ask something that would appear apparant to you ;-)

I run a six language site on a very very basic cms and plan to migrate it to joomla.
I'll be using Joomfish for the translation of the pages.

What I want to accomplish is:

1. Domain names represent the language chosen (russian language selected:; english language selected:

2. A visitor should be able to type in and immediatly be shown the russian translation of the site.

Are the above possible with Artio SEF? Are there any problems to expect or specific preparations to make?

(btw: i heard something about advertisement being included in the free version, what happens, do popups appear?)

Re:Domain names multiple sites and joomfish 17 years, 8 months ago #2391

  • cyberjeanus
what you want isn't possible with joomla, and has nothing to do with Artio. If you want to run several domains, you'll need the same amount of Joomla-installations. (Some people use Joomla-clone for this). Joomfish is able to detect, which language should be displayed (reading the language version of browser or operation system). Url's are like or and so on. If you want to keep all domains, redirect them to one, f.e. the .com domain. If you're not happy with that, use Typo 3. Don't know if Joomla1.5 is able to do that. Check it out.
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