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Develop on localhost and upload to real site ...
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TOPIC: Develop on localhost and upload to real site ...

Develop on localhost and upload to real site ... 15 years, 9 months ago #6209

I'm developing a new website on localhost and will be uploading it to it's live site when complete. What kind of changes will I have to make in order to do this move (will be using joomlapak backup utility)? Are there any licensing issues (paid version) in doing this move?

Thanks in advance!

Re:Develop on localhost and upload to real site ... 15 years, 9 months ago #6232

  • jaku

I am not familiat with joomlapak, but the only thing that shall be checked is the RewriteBase value in .htaccess file. (in case you are not developing the site on local in the same directory -- usually on live server it is root, on localhost usually some subdir is used).
Except this, when moving all the files 1:1 there should be no problem.
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