tried to set the debug mode, I've found many
INSERT INTO `jos_sefurls` (`sefurl`, `origurl`, `priority`, `Itemid`, `metadesc`, `metakey`, `metatitle`, `trace`)
VALUES ('pompes/pompe-verticali-v_fr', 'index.php?option=com_content&catid=2&id=26&lang=fr&view=article', '15', '1', ' Caratteristiche generali- Portate 6.000÷100.000 l/h- Prevalenza max 7 ÷35 m- Altezza sott', 'max, soluzionemateriali, costruttivi, particolari, con, contatto , assenza, parti, metalliche, plastica, aisi, 316, titanio, hastelloy, inox', 'Pompe verticali V - Pompes', NULL)
entries where keywords seems to be correctly replaced by the plugin, but the result is that only the value in the global cfg is shown, any suggestion?