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Custom Redirects not working on menu in JoomSEF
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TOPIC: Custom Redirects not working on menu in JoomSEF

Custom Redirects not working on menu in JoomSEF 16 years, 7 months ago #4490


I'm having a problem with JoomSEF. I have a menu that consists of "Blog - Content Category" items . JoomSEF turns these links into "<siteURL>/<categoryname>/2.html". Is that correct?

I would prefer to have "<siteURL>/<categoryname>" but when I try to add a custom redirect which points to the url given in the menu (eg. "index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=23&Itemid=72") nothing changes.

Finally, one of the menu links has a differenct formatting, instead looking like "<siteURL>/<categoryname>/index.html".

Any idea what's going on?

Also, is there a way to see what URL JoomSEF is actually presenting to the webserver?



Database Version: 5.0.45-community
PHP Version: 4.4.7
Web Server: Apache Webserver
WebServer to PHP interface: cgi
Joomla! Version: Joomla! 1.0.11 Stable [ Sunbow ] 28 August 2006 20:00 UTC

Re:Custom Redirects not working on menu in JoomSEF 16 years, 7 months ago #4491

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

The links to categories created correctly looks like <site>/<category>/index.php. This index.php is a remaining from older versions, we'll probably change it in next version.
The /2.html links are not correct. In most cases the Itemid variable causes them. Check the URLs in JoomSEF's administration to see what's the difference between the correct link and this /2.html link - if it's only in Itemid variable, try changing the "Exclude source info", "Reappend source info" and "Ignore multiple sources" options in configuration - see the documentation.
I don't quite understand what you mean by the URL actually presented to the webserver - you can see the non-SEF equivalents of SEF URLs in JoomSEF's administration.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team

Re:Custom Redirects not working on menu in JoomSEF 16 years, 7 months ago #4493

Thanks for the response. I checked the list of SEF URL's and none of the menu items actually show up there. Are they stored in a file or a database table that I can check?

Also, there doesn't seem to be any different between the one that is correct:


and the broken ones:


I've tried will all sorts of combinations of options and can't get the behaviour to change.

Thanks again,


Re:Custom Redirects not working on menu in JoomSEF 16 years, 7 months ago #4494

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

The links are stored in a database (jos_redirection table) and in a cache file if cache is enabled. Try cleaning the cache to see if the links get created again and show up in the list. If they don't, it means they are not created by JoomSEF at all.
As regards the difference, I didn't mean in general but between the two actual links - take two links that point to the same page and compare them.
Have you purged the URLs and cleaned the cache after each configuration change?
You can also buy our support time and let us check your site directly.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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