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Artio SEF messing up XML list for mgmediabot
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TOPIC: Artio SEF messing up XML list for mgmediabot

Artio SEF messing up XML list for mgmediabot 16 years ago #5945

First of all i have to say i like SEF the component / plugin very much.

I am in the proces of delivering a site in Joomla 1.5.9 with artio SEF installed (among other stuff).

My problem is that when artio SEF is enabled, in the display of the videoplayer of MGmedia2 ( i get the folowing message: "This playlist is not a valid XML file".
When I disable artio SEF, it al works fine.
I have tried "skip" and "no chache" but this doesn't help.
Using the lightbox popup or just display the player in the content gives the same result.

The developer of the bot told me that it has to do with the credits being injected in the XML list.
I understand i need to show the credits, and I don't mind, but how can they stay away from the videoplayer playlist?

The page with mgmedia2 videos is:

Last Edit: 16 years ago by E_lexy. Reason: additional info
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